1 Alone in the world are you roaming tonight,
In danger, exposed to the cold,
A wandering sheep on the mountain of sin,
Unsheltered and far from the fold?
OH, listen! The voice of the Shepherd I hear:
“I bring to the weary one rest.
My arms are extended; I bid him to come
And pillow his head on My breast.”
2 Alone without God on the wild waste of time,
When mercy and pardon are nigh!
Why harden your heart and refuse to be saved,
Reject the dear Saviour and die? [Chorus]
3 Alone in the vale, in the shadow of death,
Forsaken! How dreadful the fate!
Repent ere the doorway of mercy is closed,
When Jesus will answer, “Too late!” [Chorus]
4 Alone in the gloom of eternity’s night,
The river of destiny crossed,
Your soul without hope in the darkness will roam,
A wanderer, ransomed, but lost! [Chorus]
Source: Inspiring Gospel Solos and Duets No. 2 #107