1 Almost persuaded, the Spirit now pleads,
Almost persuaded, and Christ intercedes;
Turn not away from the Spirit’s sweet call,
But come to the Savior and yield Him thy all.
Pleading with thee, He is pleading with thee,
The Savior is pleading, is pleading with thee;
Renounce ev’ry idol, tho’ dear it may be,
And come to the Savior, now pleading with thee.
2 Almost persuaded, O come, come away,
Almost persuaded, no longer delay;
Turn from the tempter, and break from his pow’r,
And come to the Savior, He’ll save you this hour. [Refrain]
3 Almost persuaded, O come, we implore,
Almost persuaded, resist Him no more;
Grieve not His Spirit, His love now receive,
For still He is waiting your sins to forgive. [Refrain]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #75