1 Almighty Lord, Whose sovereign right
Extends o’er every nation,
We bless Thee for the gospel light
That brought to us salvation.
And unto Thee we raise our payer
For all in darkness dwelling,
That they with us Thy light may share,
With us Thy praise be telling.
2 As with Thine eyes, Lord, may we see
The world in darkness lying;
And may Thy love the motive be
To save the lost, the dying.
So may our love and faith increase,
Our fervor and devotion;
To speed the messengers of peace
O’er every land and ocean.
3 There evermore be with them, Lord,
And evermore befriend them;
Be Thou their Shield and Great Reward
To succour and defend them.
Prosper their faithful ministry,
Till, in the day appointed,
The kingdoms of the world shall be
The realm of Thine Anointed.
Source: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #268