1 Almighty Lord of all!
Of life the only spring!
Creator of unnumber'd worlds!
Supreme, eternal King!
2 Preserve me from deceit,
Impenitence, and pride;
Nor let me in forbidden paths,
With thoughtless sinners, glide.
3 What thine unerring eye
Sees for thy creature fit:
I'll bless the good, and to the ill
Contentedly submit.
4 With pleasure let me view
The Prosp'rous and the great;
Malignant envy let me fly,
And odious selfconceit.
5 Let no despair, revenge,
Be to my bosom known:
Oh! give me tears for other's woes,
And patience for my own.
6 Feed me with needful food:
I ask not wealth or fame.
Give me an eye to see thy will,
A heart to bless thy name.
7 Still let my days be past
Without remorse or care;
And growing holiness my soul
For life's last hour prepare!
Source: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran Churches; to which are added prayers for families and individuals #215