1 Almighty God! I call to Thee,
By sore temptation shaken;
Incline Thy gracious ear to me,
And leave me not forsaken;
For who that feels the power within
Of past remorse and present sin,
Can stand, O Lord, before Thee.
2 On Thee alone my stay I place,
All human help rejecting;
Relying on Thy sovereign grace,
Thy sovereign and expecting,
I rest upon Thy sacred word,
That Thou'lt repel him not, O Lord,
Who to Thy mercy fleeth.
3 And though I travail all the night,
And travail all the morrow,
My trust is in Jehovah's might,
My triumph in my sorrow;
Forgetting not that Thou of old
Didst Israel, though weak, uphold;
When weakest then most loving!
4 What though my sinfulness be great,
Redeeming love is greater;
What though all hell should lie in wait,
Supreme is my Creator;
And He my Rock and fortress is,
And when most helpless, most I'm His,
My strength and my Redeemer.
Hymnal: according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, 1871