1 Ye that seek the Lord, who dy'd,
Your God for sinners crucify'd,
Prevent the earliest Dawn and come,
To worship at his sacred Tomb:
Bring the sweet spices of your sighs
Your contrite Hearts and streaming Eyes,
Your sad Complaints and humble Fears,
And embalm him with your Tears.
2 While ye thus your souls employ,
Your sorrows shall be turn'd to Joy:
Now, now let all your Grief be o’er,
Believe, and ye shall weep no more:
An Earthquake hath the Cavern shook,
And burst the Door, and rent the Rock;
The Lord hath sent his Angel down,
Who hath roll'd away the stone.
3 See, as Snow his Garments white,
His Countenance as Lightning bright:
He sits, and waves a flaming Sword,
And waits upon his rising Lord:
The third auspicious Morn is come,
And call your Saviour from the Tomb;
The Bands of Death are torn away,
And the Tomb gives back its Prey.
4 See the Lord is ris'n indeed,
To Death deliver'd in your stead;
His Rise proclaim your Sins forgiven,
And shews the living Way to Heav’n:
Go tell the followers of your Lord
Their Jesus is to Life restor'd;
He lives that they his Life may find;
Lives to quicken all Mankind.
Source: A Choice Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: intended for the edification of sincere Christians of all denominations #LXIV
First Line: | All ye that seek the Lord who died |
Author: | Charles Wesley |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |