1 All who love our precious Savior,
Tune your harps of praise;
He with grace and loving-kindness
Crowneth all our days.
Praise him for his truth eternal!—
Blessed gospel light;
Lift the voice of glad rejoicing
Morning, noon and night.
All ye free, his name adore,
Sound his praises o’er and o’er;
Here on earth and then above,
Sing of God’s redeeming love.
2 Happy pilgrims, heirs of glory,
Let us praise the Lord;
By his Spirit he hath made us
All of one accord.
Let us speak of all his goodness
Unto us each hour;
Holy angels, with us praise him
For his mighty pow’r. [Refrain]
3 Come, and let us praise Jehovah,
All ye ransomed throng;
He rejoices o’er his people
With a joyful song.
Sound his praise in ev’ry nation,
All his works proclaim;
Then thro’ heaven’s ceaseless ages
Praise his wondrous name. [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #192