1 All things deliver'd are
To Jesus, as the Son;
Whilst we, in all things, with him share,
With him, forever one.
2 We were the Father's love;
Us to his Son, he gave;
Where we his life and fulness, prove,
And in him glory have.
3 To us he gave all grace,
In Christ, the man divine;
And we in him, before his face,
In perfect beauty shine.
4 There's none can know the Son,
Or witness who he is,
But he who's with the Father one,
His love, and righteousness!
5 We in perfection dwell,
Where we the Father see;
As one with him, we now can tell
The Son's the man that's free.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CCXIX