1 All the treasures of time will decay,
And the millions of earth pass away;
But the gift from above, heaven’s infinite love,
Shall be mine thro’ eternity’s day.
There’s a treasure that’s better than gold,
And its value can neve be told;
It is mine thro’ God’s grace, as I run in life’s race,
This treasure more precious than gold.
2 There’s no wealth with God’s love can compare,
He has riches this earth cannot hold;
But the great gift to men, is redemption from sin;
Oh! my brother, ‘tis better than gold. [Chorus]
3 Seek no longer the treasures of earth,
Leave the things that are fast growing old;
Christ has gifts ever new, if to Him you’ll be true;
They are better, yes, better than gold. [Chorus]
4 Jesus offers salvation to all
Who will now on His name humbly call;
Brother, seek Him today, and no longer delay;
At His feet now in penitence fall. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #38