O sing hallelujah. O sing hallelujah.
1 All praise be to you
through the high arch of the heavens,
and praise be by sun, moon, and stars.
By trumpet, harp, and lute,
with cymbals and strings and flute,
with dancing, singing,
and music we praise you.
Sing hallelujah. [Refrain]
2 Our father and mother
and sov’reign of all mercies,
we wish to be quit of all war.
By trumpet, harp, and lute,
with cymbals and strings and flute,
with dancing, singing,
and music we praise you.
Sing hallelujah. [Refrain]
2 Our father and mother
and sov’reign of all mercies,
inscribe us on pages of life.
By trumpet, harp, and lute,
with cymbals and strings and flute,
with dancing, singing,
and music we praise you.
Sing hallelujah. [Refrain]
Source: Singing the Living Tradition #217