1 All our sorrows soon shall end
By and by, by and by;
And we’ll be saved from all our sin
By and by;
From youth until old age
May we follow in His way,
And with glory crown the day,
By and by.
By and by, by and by;
And with glory crown the day
By and by;
By and by, by and by;
And with glory crown the day
By and by.
2 We shall meet with loved ones there
By and by, by and by;
And then the bliss of Heaven share
By and by;
Our Redeemer bids us come,
And He’ll lead us safely home,
And His blessings ever share
By and by. [Refrain]
3 We shall sing on yon bright shore
By and by, by and by,
Our songs of praise forevermore,
By and by;
From sin to set us free,
May we trust, O Lord, in Thee—
Save us thro’ eternity
By and by. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14000