1 All my life is fill’d with sunshine, there is gladness in my soul,
For I walk and talk with Jesus ev’ry day,
I am trusting, fully trusting in the Man of Galilee,
‘Tis His love that keeps me happy all the way.
‘Tis His love that keeps me happy all the way,
‘Tis His love that fills with sunshine ev’ry day,
O, I find my Saviour precious, and will never from Him stray,
‘Tis His love that keeps me happy all the way.
2 All the world is much the brighter when His love is in my heart,
E’en the birds and buds and blossoms have new charm,
In their beauty and their fragrance I can see His tender care,
And I know that He will shield me from all harm. [Chorus]
3 With my heart supremely happy, and the love of Christ within,
Do you wonder I must praise Him with a smile,
I will do each duty gladly, and will try the world to win
To the One who keeps me happy all the while. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #30