I. All my Hope is firmly grounded
In the Lord of Earth and Seas:
He's my Help when I'm surrounded
With all Sorts of Enemies.
Him alone, God or none,
I acknowledge for my own.
II. Vain's the Boast of Humane Wonders:
Vain's the Trust in man's Device:
Castles, Armies, Martial Thunders
Fail, and vanish in a Trice.
Built on Sands
Nothing stands.
Vain's the Work of Humane Hands.
III. But the Love of our Great Maker
Never, never will impair.
Ev'ry Creature is Partaker
Of his Blessings and his Care.
Stores of Grace,
All he has
Waits for Those that seek his Face.
IV. Does he not supply with Plenty
Ev'ry Thing we truly want?
Were his Blessings eve scanty?
Did his Children ever want?
Oh! his Love
Is above
All that Human Wit can prove.
V. Let us, then, for his Salvation,
Come before him all our Days,
With the humblest Adoration,
And the sweetest Songs of Praise,
Through his Son,
Who alone
Brought this great Salvation down.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #64