1 All lands to God in joyful sounds,
aloft your voices raise.
2 Sing forth the honor of his name,
and glorious make his praise.
3 Say unto God, How terrible
in all thy works art thou!
Through thy great pow'r thy foes to thee
shall be constrained to bow.
4 All on the earth shall worship thee,
they shall thy praise proclaim
In songs: they shall sing cheerfully
unto thy holy name.
5 Come, and the works that God hath wrought
with admiration see:
In's working to the sons of men
most terrible is he.
6 Into dry land the sea he turned,
and they a passage had;
Ev'n marching through the flood on foot,
there we in him were glad.
7 He ruleth ever by his pow'r;
his eyes the nations see:
O let not the rebellious ones
lift up themselves on high.
8 Ye people, bless our God; aloud
the voice speak of his praise:
9 Our soul in life who safe preserves,
our foot from sliding stays.
10 For thou didst prove and try us, Lord,
as men do silver try;
11 Brought'st us into the net, and mad'st
bands on our loins to lie.
12 Thou hast caused men ride o'er our heads;
and though that we did pass
Through fire and water, yet thou brought'st
us to a wealthy place.
13 I'll bring burnt-off'rings to thy house;
to thee my vows I'll pay,
14 Which my lips uttered, my mouth spake,
when trouble on me lay.
15 Burnt-sacrifices of fat rams
with incense I will bring;
Of bullocks and of goats I will
present an offering.
16 All that fear God, come, hear, I'll tell
what he did for my soul.
17 I with my mouth unto him cried,
my tongue did him extol.
18 If in my heart I sin regard,
the Lord me will not hear:
19 But surely God me heard, and to
my prayèr's voice gave ear.
20 O let the Lord, our gracious God,
for ever blessèd be,
Who turnèd not my prayer from him,
nor yet his grace from me.
Source: Foundations Psalter: 1650 Scottish Psalter #66
First Line: | All lands, to God in joyful sounds |
Title: | Glorious Make His Praise |
Meter: | |
Source: | Scottish Psalter, 1650 |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |