1 All have need of God’s salvation,
If with him they’d live for ever;
But a promise he has given,
It is written: Whosoever.
Whosoever will may come,
And who comes to him shall never
Disappointed turn away;
Praise the Lord! ‘tis whosoever.
2 And this word it reaches nations;
Not the rich or learned or clever
Only shall by him be rescued,
O praise God! ‘tis whosoever.
3 For the poor and broken-hearted
There’s a hope, and they need never
Have a fear about their coming,
For the book says: Whosoever.
4 To all kingdoms and all peoples
‘Tis the same, and shall be ever;
There’s no difference in the message,
But to all ‘tis whosoever.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #824