1 All hail to the light!
The pure beaming light!
It gleams on land, on the silver sand,
It flashes free on the shining sea,
The light, the bright,
The beaming light!
2 All hail to the light!
The pure heavenly light!
It beams afar in the evening star,
It fills the dawn with the glow of morn,
The light, the bright,
The heavenly light!
3 All hail to the truth!
The pure shining truth!
With golden gleams on the earth it beams,
A pure sweet ray on the righteous way,
The truth, the truth,
The shining truth!
4 All hail to the truth!
The pure heavenly truth!
Down through the sky, from its home on high,
Its ray doth shine with a light divine,
The truth, the truth,
The heavenly truth!
5 Go forth truth and light!
The pure and the bright!
Touch sea and land with a radiant hand,
Shine full and clear in the heart sincere,
O light, and truth,
O loving truth!
Source: The Morning Stars Sang Together: a book of religious songs for Sunday schools and the home circle #57