1 All glory be to God alone,
All nations bow before His throne.
May His dread wrath be ended now:
May He with love all men endow.
Let all the joyful message hear
And thank the Lord in holy fear.
2 Great God of heav'n, Thy might we sing,
To Thee our fervent thanks we bring;
We kneel before Thy throne of grace
And burn the incense of our praise;
Thro' endless ages we proclaim
The glory of Thy holy Name.
3 Lord God, eternal King above,
Almighty Father, Truth, and Love;
O Christ, the Father's only Son,
Before creation was begun;
Thou Lamb of God, to Thee we cry,
Thou everlasting God on high.
4 Do Thou, O bearer of our sin,
In us Thy work of grace begin;
For all our sins Thou didst atone,
And we are saved by grace alone;
Thou sittest at Thy Father's hand;
O bring us to that heav'nly land. A-Men.
5 To Thee we cry with one accord,
Thou everlasting God and Lord;
Thou art of heaven and earth the King;
To Thee, our Savior, praise we sing
With all the choir of heaven's host,
O Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
6 Amen! This is most surely true,
And angel hymns, forever new,
Are sung in endless, joyful praise
As we upon Thy glory gaze;
World without end the Church will sing
The glory of her heavenly King.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #142