1. Alas, alas, my day is pass'd!
My day of grace is gone;
And I am left sorely distrest,
A wanderer forlorn!
What can I do, where can I go?
Ah! whether can I fly?
For I am lost, forever lost!
No God to hear my cry.
2. I cannot tell how oft, how well
The warnings have been given;
But this I know, ah, yes, I know
That I rejected heaven.
Oh, awful tho't it comes unsought
That oft did God invite,
And whispered, "Come, for yet there's room"
But I that voice did slight.
3. And now I know, ah, yes, I know
I am forever lost!
No Saviour nigh to hear my cry,
My soul is tempest tossed!
My sinner friends, there's no amends,
No Saviour in the grave;
I warn you now, to Jesus bow,
That He your souls may save.
Source: The Gospel Awakening: a collection of original and selected "hymns and spiritual songs" for the use in gospel meetings everywhere #153