1. Adown the centuries
The good news lightens;
The moral firmament
With glory brightens.
Good news for souls that sigh
In fear's dark prison;
Ye are not doomed to die,
For Christ is risen.
2. The Lord indeed arose;
The word is spoken;
His tomb was sealed by foes
Their seal is broken.
The stone is rolled away
'Mid wonders thrilling;
Hear what the angels say,
His word fulfilling:
3. "Fear not! Among the dead
Seek ye the living?"
"Fear not," the angel said,
New courage giving.
"Fear not" need any fear
Whom he befriendeth?
An empty tomb is here;
The Lord ascendeth.
4. "Fear not"! Repeat the word,
Rehearse the story;
Tell what your ears have heard,
Messiah's glory.
"Fear not," his victory sing;
His saints awaking,
Shall he in triumph bring,
Their tombs forsaking.
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #176