1 Abound in hope, in hope, the guiding star,
That thro' the darkness sends its beams afar,
And bids the weary traveler of the night;
Press onward, looking for the morning light.
Abound in hope thro' the pow'r of the Lord,
Abound in hope: Press the Victory of His Word.
2 Abound in hope, 'twill ease the burden'd heart,
'Twill calm the sea and blessed peace impart,
'Twill gird the loins with zeal to press along,
'Twill fill the soul all day with happy song. [Refrain]
3 Abound in hope, Christ's promise cannot fail,
His glorious truth shall gloriously prevail;
Abound in hope, the darkness cannot last,
We'll happier be for it when all is past. [Refrain]
4 Abound in hope, ye lab'rers in the Lord;
What tho' they yet your message have not heard?
Has He not said it void shall not return?
Work on, hope on, some day the world will learn. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #274