1 A Worldling, wretched, vile and base,
Not subject to restraining grace;
But yielded to his lusts and pride,
And set all fear of God aside.
2 Though he had riches laid in store,
Yet no compassion on the poor!
A beggar in a helpless state,
Found no assistance at his gate.
3 The worldling spent his precious days,
In Luxuries, in sports and plays--
While the poor beggar lay distress'd,
With poverty and sores oppress'd.
4 But to them both it proved strange,
To meet with such a sudden change;
The worldling sent to endless pain,
The beggar plac'd with Christ to reign.
5 This is the sinners awful case:
They who neglect the time of grace;
They cry for help, but O too late!
When once they share their lot and fate.
6 The worldlilng pray'd to get relief,
To metigate his pain and grief;
But father Abr'am could not grant
that cooling drop which he did want.
7 If we seek heaven here on earth,
We loose the heav'n of greater worth;
To bear the Cross with Jesus here,
Intitles us to glory there.
8 Dear Saviour, make us truly wise,
All sinful pleasures to despise--
The greatest evil we can do:
That is to choose our heav'n below.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #XCVIII