1 A stormy sky o’er me,
The way dark before me,
NO rift in the cloud I can see.
I’d look on the bright side,
For it is the right side,
A sunny face Christian I’d be.
A sunny face Christian I’d be,
A blessing to each one I see;
I’d look on the bright side,
For it is the right side,
A sunny face Christian I’d be.
2 When troubles perplex me
And little things vex me,
To Jesus my refuge I flee;
His kind word believing,
His blessing receiving,
A sunny face Christian I’d be. [Refrain]
3 My happiness voicing
In songs of rejoicing
To know that He careth for me,
To make the world brighter,
And sad hearts grow lighter,
A sunny face Christian I’d be. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Summerland #43