1 A song we sing of a mighty King,
Worthy He a crown to wear!
He supreme shall be thro’ eternity,
And allegiance we declare.
His name we own, and He alone
All people shall adore;
His word is sure, and shall endure
Thro’ time forevermore.
Join the song, ev’ry voice,
And let nature rejoice,
Let the hills and mountains sing!
He is able and just,
He is worthy of trust,
And He lives and reigns our King.
2 It was thro’ Him, in the ages dim,
That creation had its birth;
Ev’rything that is He created His,
And He formed the rolling earth.
He spake, and lo! all earth aglow
With light from moon or sun,
While sea and land divided stand;
Behold what He hath done! [Refrain]
3 All pow’r is Thine, mighty King divine,
Great Eternal, heav’nly One;
Thou dost hate all sin, and our souls to win
Thou didst give Thine only Son.
We honor Thee, we worship Thee,
Our everlasting King;
We laud Thy name, Thy love proclaim,
Thy majesty we sing. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #102