1 A refuge in Jesus I’ve found,
The harbor of safety is He,
And now in His grace I abound,
I’m trusting so sweetly in Thee.
Trusting in Thee, sweetly in Thee,
I’m trusting, dear Saviour so sweetly in Thee,
Trusting in Thee, sweetly in Thee,
I’m trusting, dear Saviour so sweetly in Thee.
2 Again and again I repeat
The story so precious to me,
Redemption is full and complete,
While trusting so sweetly in Thee. [Refrain]
3 Tho’ sometimes the sky is o’ercast,
And dangers seem never to flee,
Yet I will abide till the last,
Still trusting dear Saviour in Thee. [Refrain]
4 Tho’ billows of sorrow may roll,
A sheltering harbor I see;
I’ve anchored in safety my soul,
I’m trusting so sweetly in Thee. [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #103