1 A life with Jesus, O, how sweet!
A life where all the pure will meet,
A life where all the ransom'd sing
"Hosannas to their Saviour, king."
2 A life where pleasures ever flow,
A life where heav'nly breezes blow,
A life of never-ending love,
With Jesus Christ, in Heav'n above.
3 A life where praises never cease,
A life of constant joy and peace,
A life where all the just will meet,
In praises round the "mercy seat."
4 A life in that bright, happy land,
A life with all the holy band,
A life with glorious spirits free,
But better, Lord, a life with thee.
Source: The Silver Chime: a cluster of Sabbath school melodies, tunes, sentences, chants, etc., for the use of children and teachers in their school exercises, devotions, and recreations, to which is added... #25