1 A Home in heav'n! what a blissful thought,
As we toil along in our weary lot;
With heart oppressed, and by anguish riv'n,
We look from earth to a home in heav'n.
Beautiful, beautiful home,
Beautiful heavenly home.
Beautiful, beautiful home,
Waiting for me in the glory-land.
2 A home in heav'n, where we toil no more,
But reign with Christ on the golden shore.
In songs of praise we will there unite
With the great throng arrayed in white. [Refrain]
3 Dear home in heav’n! may we all meet there;
With the redeemed all its glory share;
And with the angels around the throne
Forever dwell in that sweet, sweet home. [Refrain]
Source: The Helper in Sacred Song: for Sunday-schools, churches, and devotional services #159