1 A child for us is born this day,
The angels’ king is He;
The Lord who over all has sway,
Nursed here vouchsafes to be.
2 In manger where the asses fed
The Child divine is laid;
Whom they as Christ acknowledgèd,
As King and Lord obeyed.
3 With joy the angels fillèd were,
And with the Lord do sing;
Glory to God above the sphere
In tuneful notes does ring.
4 Then Herod, who with fear was seized,
His envy great displays;
With slaughtered babes must be appeased,
Whose gore his fear allays.
5 Thou who wast born as on this day
Of virgin Mary pure,
Lead and conduct us in the way
To joys which e’er endure.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8388