1 A captive long 'neath sense and sin
In dark despair I lay;
The LORD upon my soul looked in,
And turned my night to day.
2 I saw the glory 'round me break;
I felt the darkness flee;
I seemed as from a dream to wake,
And cried, 'It cannot be.'
3 God's glorious ways I judged by mine,
Nor half His goodness knew;
But (O the depth of love Divine!)
I found the whole was true.
4 My heart was full, my tongue was fian,
My praises flowed apace;
And many 'round me joined he strain,
And sang with me His grace.
5 Behold, I cried, what God has wrought,
Beyond my hope or claim:
Ye mourners, mark my altered lot,
He offers you the same.
6 O holy sights! O happy tears!
By contrite spirits poured.
O sacred beneficial fears,
That drive us to the LORD!
7 The praying lip, the weeping eye,
Point on to better days;
When tears to smiles shall change on high.
And prayer be turned to praise.
Source: Psalms of Grace #126c