Suffering Servant, Crucified Christ, Risen Redeemer
The disciple John penned these words: "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins" (I Jn 4:9-10). With this incomparable love as its central theme, "Wondrous Love" recounts the earthly life and ministry of Jesus, which ultimately led Him down a path of sacrifice and death on the cross. This blending of original and familiar melodies along with poignant and scripture-based narration provides a compelling rendition of the events leading to the cross. Flexibly conceived for Lent and/or Holy Week, each individual anthem may be presented during the weeks leading up to Easter, or Wondrous Love may be performed as a whole with or without the resurrection finale. Small and large choirs will equally appreciate Lloyd Larson’s beautiful choral writing, and accompaniments ranging from piano only or full orchestra to professionally recorded CDs offer numerous options for your unique programming needs.