Similar in concept to its predecessor, "The Living Last Supper" (55/1110L), this unique presentation of the Christmas story is seen through the eyes of those who witnessed the first Christmas in Bethlehem many years ago. There are brief monologues for ten characters--ranging from Mary and Joseph to members of the Innkeeper's family--interspersed among the seven songs. (Also included are character descriptions, set and staging suggestions, and hints for wardrobe and props). The music is Ruth Elaine Schram at her best: beautiful melodies, thoughtful texts, well-crafted part writing-and includes familiar carols with possible congregational participation. The optional orchestration demands are modest, making it possible for the use of live instruments even on a limited budget. An Accompaniment CD is also available, if desired. "The Living Light" is flexible and accessible enough to appeal to and be within the capabilities of most music ministry programs.
Voicing: SAB,Pno