From the exquisitely serene setting of “More Love to Thee” to the rousing and jubilant “All Creatures of Our God and King,” this challenging compilation of Six Hymn Preludes by four-in-hand composer, Douglas Mears, includes an extraordinary variety of favorite hymn arrangements. In “Holy, Holy, Holy,” Mears weaves the familiar hymn tune, Nicaea, with a tender, original counter melody, creating a stunning music box effect. Constant tolling of lower bells in “The King of Love” creates an image of a distant cathedral tower ringing as an accompaniment to the stirring Irish melody St. Cloumba. The perpetual motion of cascading bells in the toccata-like Lasst uns erfreuen brings this exciting new collection to a stunning climax.
Song List--
All Creatures of Our God and King
Be Thou My Vision
Holy, Holy, Holy
More Love to Thee
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
The King of Love
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