A Service of Tenebrae
Remembering the events of Jesus' last hours leading up to his crucifixion and death is one of the extraordinary opportunities Christians have during Holy Week. This service of worship dramatizes the events and recaptures those solemn and sacred moments. The Canonical Hours of Matins and Lauds, recited and sung on the evenings of the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday before Easter Sunday, is called the 'Tenebrae,' which means 'darkness' or 'shadows.' It is named for the practice of extinguishingall but one of the prepared candles in the worship space during the course of the service. Mr. Wagner's service of Tenebrae focuses on seven episodes in the Passion and Death of Our Lord, and his choral music, all original, is passionate, dynamic and devotional. In addition, he has arranged his choral accompaniment for either keyboard or string ensemble. Congregational responsive readings and scriptural references also become a part of this exceptional observance. Performance time: 20-25 min.