No Stone Could Hold Him (A Dynamic Witness to the Living Rock of Our Salvation)Downloadable File |
"No Stone Could Hold Him" is a spirited witness to the ministry, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the Rock of our Salvation. Written by celebrated composer Lloyd Larson, this powerful work is filled with scripture-based images of Jesus as "A Rock in a Weary Land," even when tempted by Satan to "turn these stones to food;" as the Solid Rock on which we stand through "Winds of Change" and "Shifting Sand;" as Jerusalem's triumphant King who commands the rocks to keep silent; as the Cornerstone of our faith, betrayed and crucified; and as the risen Savior whom no stone could hold in the tomb. Inspired by these images, the music is bold and enlivening with rousing original music alongside energetic spirituals and gospel songs. This dramatic work is an exceptional choice for Easter worship with its seven choruses and options for duets and solos. It can also be performed during the Lenten season or Holy Week by omitting the final chorus.
Voicing: SATB,Pno