Text | Baptized in water, Sealed by the Spirit |
Text | Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. |
Text | Dying, You destroyed our death |
Text | Glory, praise and honor to you, Lord Jesus Christ. |
Text | Glory to God in the highest and peace to God's people on earth |
Text | Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might |
Text | Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world |
Text | Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer |
Text | Lord, by your cross and resurrection |
Text | Lord Jesus, manna from on high |
Text | Speak, O Lord, your servant is list'ning |
Text | The Lord be with you, and with thy spirit |
Text | Through him, with him, in him |
Text | When we eat this bread and drink this cup (ICEL )1973 |
Tune | [Alleluia] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Bapitzed in water] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Christ has died] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Dying you destroyed our death] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Glory, praise and honor to you] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Glory to God in the highest] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Lamb of God] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Lord, by your cross] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Lord, hear our prayer] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Lord Jesus, manna from on high] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [Sixfold Amen] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [The Lord be with you] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |
Tune | [When we eat this bread] (Mass of the Angels and Saints) |