Callahan's Music for Manuals series has long been an essential part of the MorningStar catalog. These settings
are accessible and tasteful. May be used by both pianists and organists.
Draw Nigh and Take the Body of Your Lord Song 46
Fairest Lord Jesus
Crusaders' Hymn/Schönster Herr Jesu/St. Elizabeth
For the Bread Which You Have Broken
Cross of Jesus
Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
Jesu Dulcis Memoria
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep
Let Us Break Bread Together
Let Us Break Bread
O Lord, I Am Not Worthy
Non Dignus
See Us, Lord, about Thy Altar
Drakes Broughton
Soul of My Savior
Anima Christi
You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
Bicentennial/Finest Wheat/Gift of Finest Wheat
Instruments: Organ
Topics: Communion