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Mary S. Edgar

1889 - 1973 Hymnal Number: 27 Author of "God, Who Touchest Earth With Beauty" in Hymns of Grace

Blanche Kerr Brock

1888 - 1958 Hymnal Number: 380 Composer of "[Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning]" in Hymns of Grace Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 3, 1888, Greens Fork, In­di­a­na. Died: Jan­u­a­ry 3, 1958, Wi­no­na Lake, In­di­a­na. Buried: War­saw, In­di­a­na. Songwriter and composr Blanche (Kerr) Brock at­tend­ed the In­di­an­a­po­lis Con­ser­va­to­ry of Mu­sic and the Amer­i­can Con­ser­va­to­ry of Mu­sic, in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. In 1914 she married her husband Virgil Brock. Together they wrote over five hundred songs. One of the most famous songs they wrote was "Beyond The Sunset" others included "He's a Wonderful Savior to Me", "Sing and Smile and Pray", "Resting in His Love", and "Let God Have His Way".

W. Warren Bentley

Hymnal Number: 361 Composer of "[In the rifted Rock I'm resting]" in Hymns of Grace

William W. Phelps

1792 - 1872 Person Name: Wm. W. Phelps Hymnal Number: 262 Author of "O God, The Eternal Father" in Hymns of Grace

Caroline L. Smith

1827 - 1886 Person Name: Mrs. C. S. Smith Hymnal Number: 354 Author of "Tarry With Me" in Hymns of Grace Smith, Caroline Louisa, née Sprague, was born at Salem, Massachusetts, and married to the Rev. Charles Smith, pastor of the South Congregational Church, Andover. Mrs. Smith is the author of:— Tarry with me, O my Saviour. An Old Man's Prayer. Mrs. Smith's account of this hymn is "About the year 1853 [in the summer of 1852], I heard the Rev. Dr. H. M. Dexter preach a sermon on 'The Adaptedness of Religion to the Wants of the Aged.' I went home and embodied the thought in the hymn 'Tarry with me, 0 my Saviour!' I sent it to Mr. Hallock, for The Messenger. He returned it as 'not adapted to the readers of the paper.' Years after I sent it, without any signature, to the little Andover paper .... I send it to you in its original form, in a little paper of which my sister, Mrs. Terry [Rochester, N.Y.], is editoress." (Hatfield's Poets of the Church, N.Y., 1884, p. 564.) Hatfield gives the full text in 1 stanza of 6 lines. In the Plymouth Collection, 1855, No. 1337, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, was compiled from st. i., ii., vi., vii. This was repeated in The Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858, and others. Of this text st. ii. is sometimes omitted. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Howard E. Smith

1863 - 1918 Hymnal Number: 127 Composer of "[There is a story ever new]" in Hymns of Grace

Robert A. West

1808 - 1865 Hymnal Number: 123 Author of "Come, Let Us Tune Our Loftiest Song" in Hymns of Grace West, Robert Athow, an editor and author, was born in England in 1802. In 1843 he went to America, and was the official reporter of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1844. He was also one of the committee appointed by that Conference to prepare a Standard edition of the Methodist Hymn Book. That collection appeared as Hymns for the Use of The Methodist Episcopal Church, in 1849. To it West contributed two hymns—(1) "Come, let us tune our loftiest song" (Praise of Jesus), and (2) "Now, Lord, fulfil Thy faithful word" (On behalf of Ministers). (Nutter's Hymn Studies, 1884, p. 32.) -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================== West, Robert Athow. (1809 [sic]--February 1, 1865). The commonly accepted date of West's birth is 1809, not 1802 as given in Julian. He was a Methodist Episcopal layman, editor of the Columbia Magazine, New York, 1846-1849, and for a time, beginning 1858, of the New York Commercial Advertiser. The last years of his life were spent in Washington, D.C., where he was connected with the office of the Judge-Advocate General. He died at his home in Georgetown, D.C. He published Sketches of Wesleyan Preachers (1848) and A Father's Letters to His Daughter (1865). --Robert G. McCutchan, DNAH Archives ============================== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Albert Simpson Reitz

1879 - 1966 Person Name: A. S. R. Hymnal Number: 331 Author of "Teach Me To Pray" in Hymns of Grace

Samuel F. Coffman

1872 - 1954 Hymnal Number: 463 Author of "We Bless The Name Of Christ, The Lord" in Hymns of Grace Born: June 11, 1872, Dale En­ter­prise, Rock­ing­ham Coun­ty, Vir­gin­ia. Died: June 28, 1954, Vine­land, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da. Buried: First Men­non­ite Church, Vine­land, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da. Coffman spent most of his school years in Elk­hart Coun­ty, In­di­a­na, where his fam­i­ly had moved in 1879. He grad­u­at­ed from the Elk­hart High School in 1890, and at­tend­ed the Moo­dy Bi­ble Ins­ti­tute (1894-95 and for six months in 1897-98). From 1890-94, he worked for the Men­non­ite Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Elk­hart. He was con­vert­ed at meet­ings held in Elk­hart by his fa­ther, and was bap­tized on May 26, 1888. He was elect­ed su­per­in­tend­ent of the Elk­hart Men­non­ite Sun­day school on De­cem­ber 28, 1893. In 1894-95 he served in the Men­non­ite Home Miss­ion in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. There he was or­dained to the min­is­try in 1895; he be­came bi­shop in Vine­land, On­tar­io, in 1903. Coffman served wide­ly in his de­nom­in­a­tion be­yond the bor­ders of his own con­gre­ga­tion and con­fer­ence. He was mod­er­at­or of the On­tar­io Con­fer­ence in 1931-34, and mod­er­at­or of the Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence in 1911 and 1933. He al­so served as sec­re­ta­ry of the Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence for a time. He was a mem­ber of the fol­low­ing Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence com­mit­tees: Mu­sic Com­mit­tee from its be­gin­ning in 1911 un­til 1947; Peace Prob­lems Com­mit­tee 1925-49; His­tor­ic­al Com­mit­tee from its in­cept­ion in 1911, and its chair­per­son from 1911 un­til 1947; Gen­er­al Sun­day School Com­mit­tee from its be­gin­ning in 1915 un­til it was in­cor­por­at­ed in­to the Com­miss­ion for Christ­ian Ed­u­ca­tion and Young Peo­ple’s Work in 1937. He served for a time on the Miss­ions Com­mitt­ee of the Men­non­ite Board of Miss­ions and Char­i­ties. He served on the Men­non­ite Board of Ed­u­ca­tion from its incep­tion in 1905 un­til about 1944, serv­ing as sec­re­ta­ry for about 20 years. He al­so served on the Pub­li­ca­tion Board and its Pub­lish­ing Com­mit­tee. He was the found­er and served as prin­ci­pal of the On­tar­io Men­non­ite Bi­ble School in Kitch­en­er, 1907-47. He was ed­it­or of the Bi­ble stu­dy de­part­ment of the Christ­ian Mon­i­tor from the be­gin­ning of its pub­li­ca­tion in 1909 un­til 1953. He served as pas­tor of the Moy­er con­gre­ga­tion in Vine­land from 1902 un­til he died in 1954, and as bi­shop of the Ni­a­ga­ra Dis­trict from 1903. He was a char­ter mem­ber of the Non­re­sist­ant Re­lief Or­gan­i­za­tion in On­tar­io, or­gan­ized in 1918, and its se­cre­ta­ry 1920-54. In 1918 he was ap­point­ed the spe­cial cor­res­pond­ent with the Ca­na­di­an gov­ern­ment re­gard­ing mil­i­tary serv­ice and the im­mi­gra­tion of the Russ­ian Men­non­ites. He was as­so­ci­at­ed with the Ca­na­di­an Men­non­ite Board of Col­o­niz­a­tion (1922-44), and ac­tive­ly aid­ed the im­mi­gra­tion from Russ­ia to On­tar­io (1922-25). In his ear­li­er min­is­try, he was wide­ly used in Bi­ble con­fer­ence and evan­gel­is­tic work. In 1901 on a com­miss­ion from the On­tar­io Con­fer­ence, he or­gan­ized a num­ber of con­gre­ga­tions and or­dained min­is­ters and dea­cons in Al­ber­ta. During Coff­man’s time as hymn ed­it­or of the Mu­sic Com­mit­tee, the fol­low­ing books ap­peared at Scott­dale, Penn­syl­van­ia: Church and Sun­day School Hymn­al Sup­ple­ment, 1911 Life Songs, 1916 (co-ed­it­or) Church Hymn­al, 1927 Songs of Cheer for Child­ren, 1928 Life Songs No. 2, 1938 (ed­it­or) Photo & bi­o­graphy cour­te­sy of the Men­non­ite His­tor­ic­al So­ci­e­ty of Ca­na­da

May P. Hoyt

1849 - 1923 Hymnal Number: 469 Author of "Here At Thy Table, Lord" in Hymns of Grace May (Mary) Pierpont Hoyt, born 1849 in South Avon, N.Y., daughter of Uriah Grandison Hoyt and Emma G. Pierpont. Her mother died in 1856 when she was 7 years old. She attended Oread Collegiate Institute in Worcester, Mass., a school for women, from 1862-1863. She then returned to Rochester, N.Y. and attended Livingston Park Seminary, another school for women. She graduated from Livingston and taught there for two years, and then taught for two years in the public schools. She later moved to Albany, living with a friend for twenty years until the friend remarried. she then lived at the Albany Hospital. She claims to have written two hymns appearing in "Church Hymnary" (edited by Edwin A. Bedell, published in 1900 by Maynard, Merrill & Co.) Nos. 736 and 985. #736 is "Here at Thy table, Lord" and #985 is "Though life be long and life be sad." She died in November 11, 1923 in Albany and was buried at Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, N.Y. Dianne Shapiro, from History of the Oread Collegiate Institute, Worcester, Mass. (1849-1881): with biographical sketches" by Martha Burt Wright and Anne M. Bancroft (New Haven, Conn.: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co., 1905; record for Uriah Grandison Hoyt, 1824-1901; and Find A Grave Memorial website (both accessed 3/19/2021) =================== Hoyt, May Pierpont (late 19th century?). Disciple (?). Nothing is known of this writer except what can be inferred from the appearance of one hymn credited to this name, "Here at thy table, Lord, This sacred hour," a communion hymn written in the meter of, and printed with the tune of, "Break thou the bread of life," and apparently intended to supplant Lathbury's 1877 Bible hymn often used as if it were referring to the bread of the Lord's Supper. "Here at thy table" has been reported as early as 1889, and it has appeared quite generally in Disciple books since as early as 1905, but seldom in books of other denominations. --George Brandon, DNAH Archives


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