Author: Johannes Leon; Rev. August Crull Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord,
I have not kept Thy holy Word,
But sinned, and oft offended Thee;
Now I repent—it grieveth me!
2 Thou, Father, merciful and kind,
No pleasure in my death dost find,
But strong desire doth in Thee burn,
That I would unto Thee return.
3 Since Thou then, Father, callest me,
I, needy sinner, come to Thee,
Relying on the precious blood
That from five wounds most holy flowed.
4 I pray through Christ, Thine only Son,
Who for my good here flesh put on,
Let not Thy love to me e'er fail;
O'er justice still may grace prevail.
5 In tender mercy let Thy grace
Through Jesus' blood my sins efface;
Then I, the poor lost child, will be
Of all offenses rid through Thee.
6 Let me, according to Thy Word,
Live henceforth unto Thee, O Lord;
That I may, after time is o'er
Inherit life forevermore. Topics: The Catechism Repentance; Sixth Sunday after Trinity; Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity Used With Tune: MALVERN
O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord