Charles C. Treat

Short Name: Charles C. Treat
Full Name: Treat, Charles C. does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Charles C. Treat (10)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
ABNEY (Treat)Charles C. Treat (Composer)351177 66551 71232
[Come all ye who love your Master]Chas. C. Treat (Composer)251712 71323 42531
[Come, Christian children, come and raise] (Treat)Charles C. Treat (Composer)251233 23156 17655
[Dear Lord, who came from heaven to bring]Charles C. Treat (Composer)334565 43234 37121
[Had I been there with Jesus when He walked among men]Chas. C. Treat (Composer)234551 55123 16534
[Heavenly Father, grant us grace] (Treat)Chas. C. Treat (Composer)255112 53111 71655
[Lord, to Thee our prayers have risen]Chas. C. Treat (Composer)255654 32121 23125
[Once more we stand before thee]Chas. C. Treat (Composer)211234 31351 61555
RIVER CITYCharles C. Treat (Composer)333215 61223 45333
[See from Bethany advancing] (Treat)Charles C. Treat (Composer)455134 65323 46543
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