Short Name: | Thomas Benson Pollock |
Full Name: | Pollock, Thomas Benson, 1836-1896 |
Birth Year: | 1836 |
Death Year: | 1896 |
Pollock, Thomas Benson, M.A., was born in 1836, and graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, B.A. 1859, M.A. 1863, where he also gained the Vice-Chancellor's Prize for English Verse in 1855. Taking Holy Orders in 1861, he was Curate of St. Luke's, Leek, Staffordshire; St. Thomas's, Stamford Hill, London; and St. Alban's, Birmingham. Mr. Pollock is a most successful writer of metrical Litanies. His Metrical Litanies for Special Services and General Use, Mowbray, Oxford, 1870, and other compositions of the same kind contributed subsequently to various collections, have greatly enriched modern hymnbooks. To the 1889 Supplemental Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern, Mr. Pollock contributed two hymns, “We are soldiers of Christ, Who is mighty to save" (Soldiers of Christ), and "We have not known Thee as we ought" (Seeking God), but they are by no means equal to his Litanies in beauty and finish.
-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
Pollock, T. B. , 900, i. We note:—
1. God of mercy, loving all. Litany for Quinquagesima. In the Gospeller, 1872.
2. Great Creator, Lord of all. Holy Trinity. In the Gospeller, 1876.
3. Holy Saviour, hear me; on Thy Name I call. Litany of the Contrite. In the Gospeller, 1870. From it "Faithful Shepherd, feed me in the pastures green," is taken.
4. Jesu, in Thy dying woes, p. 678, ii. 36. Given in Thring's Collection, 1882, in 7 parts, was written for the Gos¬peller.
5. My Lord, my Master, at Thy feet adoring. Passiontide. Translation of "Est-ce vous quo je vois, 6 mon Maître adorable!" (text in Moorsom's Historical Comp. to Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1889, p. 266), by Jacques Bridaine, b. 1701, d. 1767. Moorsom says he was born. at Chuselay, near Uzes, in Languedoc, and was a Priest in the French Church. The translation made in 1887 was included in the 1889 Supplemental Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern.
6. We are soldiers of Christ, p. 900, i. In the Gospeller, 1875.
7. Weep not for Him Who onward bears. Passiontide. No. 495 in the 1889 Suppl. Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern is part of a hymn in the Gospeller, 1870.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)
Texts by Thomas Benson Pollock (58)![]() | As | Authority Languages | Instances |
Be Thou with us every day | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 7 |
Blessed Jesu, far away | T. B. Pollock (Author) | 1 | |
By the gracious saving call | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 9 |
Come to raise us when we fall | Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | 2 | |
Comforter, to whom we owe | T. B. Pollock (Author) | 2 | |
Cradled in a manger, In a stable bare | T. B. Pollack (Author) | English | 1 |
Everlasting, infinite, wisdom, glory, love and might | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 2 |
Faithful Shepherd, feed me | Rev. T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 38 |
Faithful warriors, bearing | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 2 |
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do | Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | English | 6 |
Father, hear Thy children's call | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 96 |
Father, whose creating hand | Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | English | 2 |
God of Love, to Thee we owe | T. B. Pollock (Author) | 2 | |
God of mercy, loving all, Quick to raise us when we fall | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 2 |
God, on heaven's eternal throne | T. B. Pollock (Author) | 1 | |
God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, Three in One, Hear us from Thy heavenly Throne | T. B. Pollock, 1836-96 (Author) | English | 13 |
God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, Three in One (Pollock) | Rev. T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 17 |
God the Father, throned on high | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 7 |
God, whose sheltering arms are thrown | T. B. Pollock (Author) | 2 | |
Grant us faith to know thee near | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | 2 | |
Great Creator, Lord of all | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 10 |
Heavenly Father, from Thy throne | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 9 |
Heavenly Father, Lord of all, Low before Thy throne we fall | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 4 |
Holy Savior, hear me, on thy name I call | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | 2 | |
Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, Dew descending from above | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 6 |
Jesus all our ransom paid | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 10 |
Jesus all Thy labor vast | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 6 |
Jesus be with us today | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | 2 | |
Jesus from thy heavenly home | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | 2 | |
Jesus [Father], from Thy throne on high, Far above the bright blue sky | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 105 |
Jesus, in Thy dying woes | Thomas B. Pollock, 1836-1896 (Author) | English | 65 |
Jesus, in Thy thirst and pain | Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | English | 4 |
Jesus, loving to the end | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 7 |
Jesus, once an infant small | Rev. T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 10 |
Jesus, pitying the sighs | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 4 |
Jesus, Son of God most high | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 16 |
Jesus, Thy great power we know | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 2 |
Jesus, we are far away | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 14 |
Jesus, whelmed in fears unknown | Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | English | 7 |
Jesus, with Thy Church abide | Rev. Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | English | 96 |
Little lives may be divine | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 2 |
May Thy Church our shelter be | Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | English | 2 |
May we prize the Christian name | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 3 |
My Lord, my Master, at Thy feet adoring | Thomas B. Pollock (Translator) | English | 28 |
Nos hace falta el saber | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | Spanish | 2 |
Oh Jesús, que en to dolor | Thomas Benson Pollock, 1836-1896 (Author) | Spanish | 2 |
"Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen." | Thomas Benson Pollock, 1836-1896 (Author) | Spanish | 3 |
求主住在教會中 (Qiú zhǔ zhù zài jiàohuì zhōng) | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | Chinese | 2 |
Spirit blest, who art adored | Thomas Benson Pollock, 1836-96 (Author) | English | 24 |
Spirit of the Only Wise | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | English | 4 |
Spirit, strength of all the weak | Thomas Benson Pollock, 1836 - 1896 (Author) | English | 19 |
Teach us what Thy love has borne | Rev. Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | English | 9 |
The Father's sole begotten Son | Thomas Benson Pollock, 1836-1896 (Translator) | English | 3 |
We are dying day by day | Thomas Benson Pollock (Author) | 5 | |
We are soldiers of Christ, who is mighty to save | T. B. Pollock (Author) | English | 16 |
We have not known Thee as we ought | Rev. Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | English | 47 |
Weep not for Him who onward bears | Thomas B. Pollock (Author) | English | 6 |
Who the multitudes can number | Thomas B. Pollock (Translator (from Latin)) | 5 |