Gerardo C. C. Oberman

Short Name: Gerardo C. C. Oberman
Full Name: Oberman, Gerardo C. C., 1965-
Birth Year: 1965 does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Gerardo C. C. Oberman (91)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A place called home with comfort for the wearyGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
Algo suena en el vientoGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Andamos buscando paz para esta tierra, oh Dios (We're building together world without violence, o God)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Be our light in the darkness of this age (Eres luz en la densa oscuridad)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Bençãos virão sobre ti e te alcançarão (Blessings from God will rain down and will overtake you)Gerardo Oberman, n. 1965 (Translator (Spanish))English, Spanish2
Bendito seja Deus, bendito! (Bendito sea Dios ¡Bendito!)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Tr. Castellano)English, Portuguese, Spanish2
Bien has respondido (You have answered rightly)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Bem aventurados os pobres (Blessed are the poor and the needy)Gerardo Oberman (Translator)English, Portuguese, Spanish1
Come, all you servants of the LordGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
¿Cómo entender la vida, saber vivir y ver?Gerardo Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
Con gratitud hoy venimos, SeñorGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Cristo es la luz de mi serGerardo C. C. Oberman (Adapter)Spanish2
Cuando el viento sopla, cúbrenos (When the wind blows strong, Lord, cover us)Gerardo Oberman (Author)English, Spanish3
¿Cuándo te vimos con hambre o con frío (When did we see you hungry or cold)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Dame agua fresca a beber (Give me, please, fresh water to drink)Gerardo Oberman (Translator)English, Spanish4
Dame, Señor, tu bendiciónGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Danos esperanza y paz (Give us hope and give us peace)Gerardo Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Desde lo cotidianoGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Dios nos recibe, esta es su casa (God welcomes all, we're in his house)Gerardo Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Dios Padre y Madre que estás en los cielosGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Dios te acune en sus brazosGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Dios te bendiga y te guarde en su paz (God is our keeper, our blessing and peace)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Translator)English, Spanish2
El amor de Cristo mueve al mundo (Christ can move the world to reconcile it)Gerardo Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
El Espíritu de Dios está hoy aquíGerardo Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
El la vida puede cambiarGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
El mundo te necesita, hay tanta violencia (The world needs you more than ever)Gerardo Oberman (Author)English, Spanish3
El pan llega fresco hoy a nuestra mesaGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
En el surco profundo de la tierraGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
En la alegría con que cantamosGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Esas criaturas sin pan, sin hogarGerardo C. C. Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
Gloria a Dios es NavidadGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Gloria a Dios. Gloria a Dios (Gloria, gloria, glory to God in the highest)G. Oberman (Translator)English, Spanish1
Go, my children, with my blessingGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)1
Go to dark GethsemaneGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
Hay que aprender a vivir en pazGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Hay un mensaje del cielo que debemos recordarGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Holy Father, Son, and Spirit (Soplo Divino, Hijo, Padre)Gerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English, Spanish2
Hosanna, loud hosanna, The little children sangGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
I travel like a stranger walking a road of fear (Viajando cual extraño por sen das de temor)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
In a world of power and empires (En un mundo donde los poderes)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
In ev'ry place where God is praised (Doquiera que se alabe a Dios)Gerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English, Spanish2
Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts!Gerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator (Spanish))English1
Kyrie, eleison; piedad, oh buen Dios (Kyrie eleison, have mercy, O God)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Las puertas de tu casa se abrieron para mi (All the doors of your temple you opened up for me)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish3
Let us see the sun tomorrow (Danos luz para el mañana)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Liberated by grace of God (Somos libres por gracia de Dios)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuaryGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
Muéstranos, Señor, tu eterna misericordiaGerardo Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
My soul cries out with a joyful shoutGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
New songs of celebration renderGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
Nos volvemos a Dios (We return to our God)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish3
Nuestra ayuda es en el nombre del Señor (Our help is in the name of the Lord)Gerardo Oberman (Author)English, Spanish3
Nuestra manos hoy se elevanGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Nuestras manos dibujanGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
O God, we kneel before your throneGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
On Jordan's stormy banks I standGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
Padre y Madre de la humanidadGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Parte tu pan donde hambre hayGerardo C. C. Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
Porque tu gracia es mejor que la vidaGerardo Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
Que a nadie le falte la gracia de Dios (Let no one miss out on the blessing of God)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish3
Qué bueno es creer cuando oscureceGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Que la bendición del Dios de todos los tiempos (May the blessing of the God of all times)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Que la luz de Cristo brilleGerardo C. C. Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
Quiero salir afuera (I want, I need to come out)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Recibirás bendición y te alcanzaráGerardo C. C. Oberman (Trad/Adapt.)Spanish2
Santo, Santo, Santo en el vino y en el pan (Holy, Holy, Holy in the wine and in the bread)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Santo, Santo, Santo, Santo eres buen Dios (Holy, holy, holy, Holy you are good God)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Sé bienvenido le, leGerardo Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
¿Serias capaz de hacerle un lugarGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Si creo yo y crees túGerardo C. C. Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
Siempre que nos reunidosGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Solo en la Palabra hay luz (Only in the Word is light)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Somos parte de un pueblo que camina (We are part of the people who are walking)Gerardo Oberman (Author)English, Spanish3
Spirit divine, attend our prayersGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
¿Te pusiste a pensar qué nos está pasando?Gerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
There is a Redeemer, Jesus God's own SonGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
There's no other place I can hideGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator (Spanish))Swahili1
Un aire fresco envuelve la tierra (Refreshing breezes blowing around us)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Un solo Señor, una sola feGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Ustedes son la luz del mundo (You are the light of the world)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish3
Vai com Deus!Gerardo Oberman (Translator)Portuguese1
Ve con Dios. Aún es madrugada en las callesGerardo C. C. Oberman (Translator)Spanish2
Vida simple, vida humilde, vida lindaGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Viendo tanta gente solaGerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)Spanish2
Wash, O God, our sons and daughtersGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English1
We celebrate the unity of the SpiritGerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator (Spanish))English, German, Spanish2
We thank you, O Lord for the lives of our friends (Damos gracias, oh Dios, por nuestros amigos)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
We will not be burned by the fire (Nunca el fuego nos quemará)Gerardo Oberman, b. 1965 (Translator)English, Spanish2
Ya es de nochesGerardo C. C. Oberman (Trad./Adapt.)Spanish2
Ya no vivan según los criterios del tiempo presente (Do not let yourself take on the mindset of this generation)Gerardo C. C. Oberman (Author)English, Spanish2
Yo creo, tu crees, creemosGerardo Oberman (Author)Spanish2

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