Penina Moïse

Short Name: Penina Moïse
Full Name: Moïse, Penina does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Penina Moïse (192)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A mournful lament for the dead!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Above all honor and all praisePenina Moïse (Author)2
Affliction cometh not from dustPenina Moïse (Author)English2
All living souls shall bless Thy namePenina Moïse (Author)English3
Almighty God! thy special gracePenina Moïse (Author)3
Almighty God! whose will alonePenina Moïse (Author)2
Begin the holy hymn of praiseP. M. (Author)2
Between the past and future yearPenina Moïse (Author)2
Blest are the enlight'ners of mankindPenina Moïse (Author)2
Blest is the bond of wedded loveP. M. (Author)4
"Blest is the man to whom the LordPenina Moïse (Author)2
Bounteous Father! by what causePenina Moïse (Author)2
Cast me not from Thy presence, Lord!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Comfort ye, O Israel! and lift no morePenina Moïse (Author)2
Creator of the universe! When I before Thee would rehearsePenina Moïse (Author)2
Daughters of Israel, arise!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Deep silence reigned in Isaac's tentP. M. (Author)2
Descend into thyself, my soul!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Despond not, O my heart!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Divine Disposer of eventsPenina Moise (Author)3
Draw nigh, O Lord! unto my soulPenina Moïse (Author)2
Eternal, almighty, invisible God!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Eternal love is Thine, O God!P. M. (Author)2
Exalted theme of human praisePenina Moïse (Author)2
Extol the King who, throned abovePenina Moïse (Author)2
Exult, my soul, in consciousness proudPenina Moïse (Author)2
Father of mercies! on this morningPenina Moïse (Author)2
Father of nations! Judge divine!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Father! will abstinence, or prayer, or songPenina Moïse (Author)2
Fear not, fear not, O JeshurunPenina Moïse (Author)2
Firm this cornerstone be laidPenina Moïse (Author)3
Formless and void creation stoodPenina Moïse (Author)2
Frail, feeble, inefficient man!Penina Moïse (Author)2
From my voice shall virtue's praise proceedPenina Moïse (Author)2
Gather and worship! The first star of evePenina Moïse (Author)2
Glorified, throughout all timePenina Moïse (Author)2
Glory and praise to the bountiful SireP. M. (Author)2
Glory not in a gift so vainPenina Moïse (Author)2
Glory to God! whose outstretched handPenina Moïse (Author)2
God of my fathers! in Thy sightP. M. (Author)2
God of power! in Thy giftPenina Moïse (Author)2
God of the earth, the air, the seaP. M. (Author)2
God of the Sabbath! to Thy praisePenina Moïse (Author)2
God of the universe! unfailing friendPenina Moïse (Author)2
God supreme, to thee I pray, Let my lips be taughtPenina Moïse (Author)2
God supreme, to thee we pray, Let our lips be taughtPenina Moise (Author)5
God! to my spirit's great delightPenina Moïse (Author)2
Great Arbiter of human fatePenina Moise (Author)4
Hallelujah, praise to theeP. M. (Author)3
Hallelujah! sing ever thus before the LordPenina Moïse (Author)2
Hallow my sabbaths! Will Israel respondPenina Moïse (Author)2
Happy he whom nature mouldethPenina Moïse (Author)2
Have mercy on Thy servant, Lord!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Healer of the wounded heartP. M. (Author)3
Hear my voice and grant my pray'rPenina Moïse (Author)2
Hearken not, man! to the voice of self-lovePenina Moïse (Author)2
Holy and everlasting One!P. M. (Author)2
House of Judah, bless the Lord!Penina Moïse (Author)2
How beautiful it is to see, Brethren unite harmoniouslyP. M. (Author)2
How cold that man! to faith how dead!Penina Moise (Author)3
How desolate thy fields and valesPenina Moïse (Author)2
How great, how pure is my delightPenina Moïse (Author)2
How long will man in pleasure mergedPenina Moïse (Author)2
How oft has man, with "heart of stone"Penina Moïse (Author)2
How sad the wintry hours seemP. M. (Author)2
I saw a palace proud and highPenina Moïse (Author)2
I tremble not! Thou, Lord, art nighPenina Moïse (Author)2
I weep not now as once I weptPenina Moïse (Author)2
I wept when from my eager graspP. M. (Author)2
I will still remain with TheeP. M. (Author)2
If mortal vision may not meetP. M. (Author)2
In glory, Lord! dost Thou appearPenina Moïse (Author)2
In God, the holy, wise, and justPenina Moise (Author)English5
In harmony with Heaven's peacePenina Moïse (Author)2
In holiness, eternal Lord!Penina Moïse (Author)2
In perilous probation hereP. M. (Author)2
In the great scales of human lifePenina Moïse (Author)2
Intensely radiant was thy peakPenina Moïse (Author)2
Into the tomb of ages pastPenina Moise (Author)5
Is there within the world's wide boundP. M. (Author)2
It is the solemn Sabbath-dayPenina Moïse (Author)2
Leaders of Israel, arise!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Let choral songs of gladness flowPenina Moïse (Author)2
Let me for present hours borrowPenina Moïse (Author)2
Let the Lord ever be praisedPenina Moïse (Author)2
Let the standard of truth by Judah be plantedPenina Moïse (Author)2
"Let there be love!" it is the lightPenina Moïse (Author)2
Let thy heart forever delight in the LordPenina Moïse (Author)2
Let us to prayer! it is the holy timePenina Moïse (Author)2
Lift, lift the voice of praise on highP. M. (Author)English2
Lo! He sleeps and slumbers notP. M. (Author)2
Look down, O God! with gracious eyePenina Moïse (Author)2
Lord! let Thy countenance now shinePenina Moïse (Author)2
Lord, me Redeemer and my Rock!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Lord of the world! when I beholdPenina Moïse (Author)2
Lord! what is man, that Thou should'st takePenina Moïse (Author)2
Lord! when I hear Thy holy lawPenina Moïse (Author)2
Man of the world! wilt thou not pausePenina Moïse (Author)2
Many are the pains and sorrowsPenina Moïse (Author)2
Morn breaks upon Moriah's heightP. M. (Author)2
Mournfully chant! for our choir accordsPenina Moïse (Author)2
My God, my Father, and my Guide!Penina Moïse (Author)2
My God! my God! to Thee I clingPenina Moïse (Author)2
My heart is bared to Thee, O Lord!P. M. (Author)2
Not for affliction, gracious God!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Now let the hand of toil suspendPenina Moïse (Author)2
O answer me, my God! this dayPenina Moïse (Author)English2
O God, all gracious, In thy giftPenina Moïse (Author)4
O God! as we on nature gazePenina Moïse (Author)2
O God! to Thy paternal graceP. M. (Author)2
O God! within Thy temple-wallsPenina Moïse (Author)2
O King of glory! when we contemplatePenina Moïse (Author)2
O man! frail child of finite pow'rs!Penina Moïse (Author)2
O Thou! in whom the power dwellsPenina Moïse (Author)English2
O thou! possest of health and bloomPenina Moïse (Author)2
O Thou! who, as the Great UnknownPenina Moïse (Author)2
O Thou! who dwell'st in heights supernalPenina Moïse (Author)2
O thou, whose shrine the sweestest incense bearsPenina Moïse (Author)2
Of all the virtues that we findPenina Moïse (Author)2
Of Heaven's bounties let us singPenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! blest be he who ne'er forgets the poorPenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! ever adverse to the schemePenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! how imperfect, blind, and falsePenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! how shall man with God contendPenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! let us mingle heart and voicePenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! love the Lord with all thy heartP. M. (Author)2
Oh! plaintive be the touch and tonePenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! sad is nature's aspect nowPenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! that on morning's dewy wingsP. M. (Author)2
Oh! turn at meek devotion's callPenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! what avails my destinationPenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! whence doth human happiness arise?Penina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! where is he who yesterdayPenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh, worship God! approach His shrinePenina Moïse (Author)2
Oh! worship not at glory's shrinePenina Moïse (Author)2
On dim futurity, with idle aimPenina Moïse (Author)2
On Shinar's plain see Babel's tower risePenina Moïse (Author)2
One God, one Lord, one mighty KingPenina Moise (Author)English4
Out of sorrow's depths I cryPenina Moïse (Author)2
Praise the Councellor supreme!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Praise the Lord God, the glorious Supreme!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Praise to the God of nations singPenina Moïse (Author)2
Praise ye the Lord, for it is good, his mighty actsP. M. (Author)7
Pray in the night! when silence and the starsPenina Moïse (Author)2
Pray when the morn unveileth her gloriesPenina Moise (Author)5
Prepare and purify my heartPenina Moïse (Author)2
Princes of earth! bend lowly downPenina Moïse (Author)2
Rebuke me not nor chasten meP. M. (Author)2
Refresh'd by sleep, that sovereign balmP. M. (Author)2
Refuge I seek at the shrine of devotionPenina Moïse (Author)2
Remember, man! while thou art youngPenina Moïse (Author)2
Rest for the Lord! The work is donePenina Moïse (Author)2
Return, O Lord! and let me bePenina Moïse (Author)2
Rude are the tabernacles nowPenina Moïse (Author)2
Source of mercy, truth and grace!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Stranger to that pure ambitionPenina Moïse (Author)2
Stretched languidly upon his couchPenina Moïse (Author)2
The heavens, Almighty! Thy glory declarePenina Moïse (Author)2
The Lord, a watchful guardian, reignsPenina Moïse (Author)2
The Lord of heaven reignsPenina Moïse (Author)2
The prophet to the people saidPenina Moïse (Author)2
Though faith's discordant woshipers may rearPenina Moïse (Author)2
Though I from kindred meet from scornPenina Moïse (Author)2
Though man of all the ruin hearsPenina Moïse (Author)2
Though sorrows may be multipliedPenina Moïse (Author)2
Through the valley of tears as we thoughtfully strayPenina Moïse (Author)2
To man with reason's gift enduedP. M. (Author)2
To smile when we on life's breakers are tostPenina Moïse (Author)2
Truly and tenderly should IPenina Moïse (Author)2
Unless the land where yeP. M. (Author)1
Unto Thine altar, King of Kings!Penina Moïse (Author)2
We bless Thee, O Lord! as the bountiful SourcePenina Moïse (Author)2
We bring not to our holy shrinePenina Moïse (Author)2
We look to Thee, ineffable King!Penina Moïse (Author)2
Weeping, and loth from all she loved to partPenina Moïse (Author)2
What cause hast thou, O Israel for tears?Penina Moïse (Author)2
What painful mem'ries from the buried pastPenina Moïse (Author)2
When Faith, too young for a sublimer creedP. M. (Author)2
When grief on the heart has weighedPenina Moïse (Author)2
When I remember, O my God!Penina Moïse (Author)2
When I would smile, remembrance bringsPenina Moïse (Author)2
When light broke forth at God's commandPenina Moïse (Author)2
When night from nature's kingdom fliesP. M. (Author)2
Wherefore Hallelujah singPenina Moïse (Author)2
While man explores, with curious eyePenina Moïse (Author)2
Who, God of glory! shall be foundPenina Moïse (Author)2
Who is that angel of the universePenina Moïse (Author)2
"Why art thou cast down, my soul?" Does not a God in heaven reign?P. M. (Author)2
Why, O heedless mortal! dost thou flyPenina Moïse (Author)2
Why, O man! is not thy soul's desirePenina Moïse (Author)2
With ardent love and reverence deepPenina Moïse (Author)2
Woe unto Zion! she is spoiledPenina Moïse (Author)2

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