Joseph Lambillotte

Short Name: Joseph Lambillotte
Full Name: Lambillotte, Joseph, 1805-1842
Birth Year: 1805
Death Year: 1842

Lambillotte, Joseph, S.J., was born July 3, 1805, at Hameau de la Hamaide, near Charleroi, Belgium; entered the Society of Jesus 1828; died at Saint-Acheul, near Amiens, Aug. 14, 1842. He contributed a number of hymns to the Choix de Cantiques, Paris, 1842, ed. by his brother Louis, also S.J. (De Backer, 1893, iv. 1415). One, which appears in 1842, No. 8, and has not been traced earlier, may be his, viz.,
O Divine Enfance (The Child Jesus the Model of Children), translated as "O Divinest Childhood," by E. Caswall in his Masque of Mary, 1856, p. 296. In the Parochial Hymn Book, 1880, it is in two parts, separately numbered, the second beginning "Come, ye little children." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

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