Herbert Kynaston

Short Name: Herbert Kynaston
Full Name: Kynaston, Herbert, 1809-1878
Birth Year: 1809
Death Year: 1878

Kynaston, Herbert, D.D., was born Nov. 23, 1809, and educated at Westminster School, and Christ Church, Oxford (of which he was sometime Student), where he graduated in 1831 (1st class Lit. Hum.). Taking Holy Orders in 1834, he became Head Master of St. Paul's School, London, in 1838; Select Preacher of the University of Oxford, 1842-43; Rector of St. Nicholas-Cole-Abbey, with St. Nicholas Olave, 1850-66; and Prebendary of Holborn in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1853. He died Oct. 1878. His Miscellaneous Poems were published in 1840, and his hymns as follows:—
(1) Occasional Hymns (original and translated), 1862. (2) Occasional Hymns, 2nd series, pt. i., 1864. (3) Occasional Hymns, 2nd series, pt. ii., chiefly on the Miracles, 1866.
These hymns and translations, which are of more than usual merit, have been either strangely overlooked or are unknown to most modern editors. A few were included in the Hymnary, 1872. Dr. Kynaston also contributed to the Guardian from time to time several renderings into Latin of his own hymns, and of hymns by others, but these have not been republished.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Texts by Herbert Kynaston (18)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Christian, wouldst thou boast arightHerbert Kynaston (Versifier)English2
Come, Holy Ghost; the Lamb has brokeHerbert Kynaston (Author)2
Come, Holy Ghost; the Love thatHerbert Kynaston (Author)2
Genial Spirit, earth's emotionHerbert Kynaston (Author)2
Hail, thou King of saints ascendingHerbert Kynaston (Translator)English3
Jesus, hail, the world's salvationH. Kynaston (Translator)English2
Jesus, solace of the soulHerbert Kynaston (Translator)English5
Joy, O joy, we broken heartedHerbert Kynaston (Author)2
Now the world new pleasures findsHerbert Kynaston (Translator)English2
O, enter then the Temple, whenHerbert Kynaston (Author)English2
Six weary hours extendedHerbert Kynaston (Author)English2
Slain for my soul, for all my sins defamedHerbert Kynaston (Author)English6
Spirit, soul and body's unionHerbert Kynaston (Author)English2
The night is far spent, and the day is at hand, There are signs in the heaven, and signs on the landHerbert Kynaston (Author)3
To Calvary ascendingHerbert Kynaston (Author)English1
Weep no more this holy morningHerbert Kynaston (Translator)English2
When Jesus stood upon the shoreHerbert Kynaston (Author)English2
With all your floods attendingH. Kynaston (Author)English3
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