Clarence E. Hunter

Short Name: Clarence E. Hunter
Full Name: Hunter, Clarence E. does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Clarence E. Hunter (65)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A precious rose-bud, plucked from earth]C. E. Hunter (Composer)234555 32115 66646
[Afar on the mountain the Shepherd]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)555551 11313 55544
[Alone in some secure retreat]C. E. Hunter (Composer)534555 56711 23127
[Alone with Jesus, O how sweet] (Hunter)Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)455555 65111 11171
[As far above the howling storm]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)533333 33542 11111
[As pilgrims and strangers we journey through life]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)835653 54332 11412
[Be strong and valiant for the truth]C. E. Hunter (Composer)551112 32156 61176
[Behold a form upon the lonely mount] (Hunter)C. E. Hunter (Composer)234515 56545 35617
[Blow the gospel trumpet, brother, over land and sea]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)511117 65132 17121
[Buried with Him in immersion]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)555556 71555 35171
[Charity suffereth long and is kind]C. E. Hunter (Composer)232313 56545 11131
[Christ is mine, my heart's dear treasure] (Hunter)Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)455332 34316 61112
[Church of the Living God]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)334555 13544 32252
[Do you love the world, in its pomp and show]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)712333 13553 12335
[Down beside the crystal waters]C. E. Hunter (Composer)255653 34323 25765
[Eternity! no mortal knows]C. E. Hunter (Composer)251553 21161 1166
[Far down o'er the ages a promise divine] (Hunter)C. E. Hunter (Composer)255651 36512 35666
[Folded in the arms of Jesus]C. E. Hunter (Composer)212321 53517 67123
[Full salvation would you know?]C. E. Hunter (Composer)232121 65111 71223
[God's arms are underneath me]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)455356 46655 17122
[God's love divine has won my heart]C. E. Hunter (Composer)234555 67155 56667
[God's way is best; if human wisdom]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)855555 65531 2222
[He knows and He hears]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)455136 54434 65535
[Here we meet and part in Jesus] (Hunter)C. E. Hunter (Composer)2
HOLINESS (HUNTER)Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)556712 35555 32222
[Humility, thou secret vale]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)651112 33355 31323
[I am fully saved today]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)611117 21111 16156
[I am only a little sailor]C. E. Hunter (Composer)412333 44313 22123
[I am satisfied in Jesus] (Hunter)Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)554533 12111 64465
[I do not pray that life be spent]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)511653 32113 12215
[I have a home beyond the skies]C. E. Hunter (Composer)253332 16165 1232
[I have yielded myself to Thy service]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)1251333 32161 66512
[I never will leave thee, oh, be not afraid]C. E. Hunter (Composer)255651 76654 55535
[I used to hear the promise]C. E. Hunter (Composer)255653 21112 16556
[I will trust Thee, O my Father]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)456531 67151 572
[I wonder if mother is praying for me]C. E. Hunter (Composer)251332 12111 76655
[If on the topmost point]C. E. Hunter (Composer)255316 51762 65343
[I'll rise at early morning hour]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)555351 32156 61765
[In this wicked world am I]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)533311 61513 13223
[Jesus came a Savior dear]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)335343 22252 32115
[Jesus left a home of dazzling splendor]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)511312 11651 55671
[Jesus, Thou a fountain art] (Hunter)C. E. Hunter (Composer)211171 21713 55223
[Life on earth is but a vapor]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)633323 56533 33321
[Now is the day of salvation, The future no promise contains]C. E. Hunter (Composer)233332 15112 22212
[O God, inspire our morning hymn] (Hunter)Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)655531 17655 44312
[O home of my soul]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)553321 11161 55532
[O, put on thy beautiful garments]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)511712 16515 6712
ORDINANCESC. E. Hunter (Composer)255556 71555 61712
[Simply trusting in the Savior]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)531432 31533 32132
[Standing in the river Jordan]C. E. Hunter (Composer)234543 21565 67132
[Standing on the promise it is right, I know]C. E. Hunter (Composer)351321 56534 56143
[Suffering for years, filled with many fears]C. E. Hunter (Composer)232151 32122 22224
[Sweet fellowship unites our souls as one]C. E. Hunter (Composer)255456 51321 17123
[Sweet moments of prayer I love]C. E. Hunter (Composer)213212 71356 54323
[The Comforter abides within]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)413332 34565 43235
[The house of God, built by His hands]C. E. Hunter (Composer)251177 66556 65543
[The Lord is my light, and the strength of my life]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)513321 12356 53322
[There is a grace few mortals find]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)351115 66532 43217
[There's an awful day approaching]C. E. Hunter (Composer)255553 45333 23543
[There's an awful day that's coming] (Warren)C. E. Hunter (Composer)113217 66513 53212
[What if the Master should come tonight] (Hunter)Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)655565 55351 23321
[When my heart a burden bears]C. E. Hunter (Composer)255533 22223 56553
[When the shadows fast are creeping]C. E. H. (Harmonizer)255113 22117 62166
[Why should we weep when we behold]C. E. Hunter (Composer)253334 56655 13454
[Without holiness no man shall see the Lord]Clarence E. Hunter (Composer)333222 21112 35556
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