Ottiwell Heginbotham

Short Name: Ottiwell Heginbotham
Full Name: Heginbotham, Ottiwell, 1744-1768
Birth Year: 1744
Death Year: 1768

Heginbothom, Ottiwell, born in 1744, and died in 1768, was for a short time the Minister of a Nonconformist congregation at Sudbury, Suffolk. The political and religious disputes which agitated the congregation, in the origin of which he had no part, and which resulted in a secession and the erection of another chapel, so preyed upon his mind, and affected his health, that his pastorate terminated with his death within three years of his appointment. His earliest hymn, "When sickness shakes the languid corse [frame]," was printed in the Christian Magazine, Feb. 1763. In 1791 the Rev. John Mead Ray communicated several of Heginbothom's hymns to the Protestant Magazine; and in the same year, these and others to the number of 25, were published as:—
Hymns by the late Rev. Ottiwell Heginbothom of Sudbury, Suffolk. Sudbury, Printed by J. Burket, mdccxciv.
These 25 hymns were repeated in J. M Ray's Collection of Hymns from various authors in¬tended as a Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, 1799, and 12 in Collyer's Collection, 1812. In modern collections in Great Britain and America the following are in common use in addition to those annotated under their respective first lines:—
1. Blest Jesus, when my soaring thoughts. Jesus, most Precious.
2. Come, humble souls; ye mourners come. Good Hope through Grace.
3. Come saints and shout the Saviour's praise. The Second Advent.
4. Come, shout aloud the Father's grace. Praise to God the Father.
6. Father of mercies, God of love. God the Father.
6. God of our life! Thy various praise. New Year.
7. Great God, let all our [my] tuneful powers. New Year.
8. Hark, the loud trumpet of our God. National Fast.
9. Hark, 'tis your heavenly Father's call. A Prayer to be used by the Young.
10. I ask not [honour] wealth, nor pomp, nor power. Wisdom and Knowledge desired.
11. Now let my soul, eternal King. Praise of the Gospel. Sometimes given as "To Thee, my heart, eternal King."
12. See, mighty God, before Thy throne. Fifth of November; a National Hymn.
13. Sweet peace of Conscience, heavenly guest. A good Conscience.
14. To Thee, my Shepherd, and my Lord. The Good Shepherd.
15. Unhappy city, hadst thou known. Christ weeping over Jerusalem. From this the cento, "And can mine eyes without a tear?" is taken.
16. When sickness shakes the languid corse [frame]. Resignation. Printed in the Christian's Magazine, Feb. 1763, and again in Hymns, &c, 1794.
17. Yes, I will bless Thee, O my God. Praise of the Father. The text is often altered. The cento "My soul shall praise Thee, O my God," in the Unitarian Hymn land Tune] Book, &c, Boston, 1868, is from this hymn.
Most of these hymns are in Collyer's Collection, 1812. There are also 8 in Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N.Y., 1872, and 7 in the Songs for the Sanctuary, N.Y., 1865. [William T. Brooke]

-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

Texts by Ottiwell Heginbotham (45)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Adieu to all my fond pursuitsOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
All nature sings thy boundless loveOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)3
And can mine eyes, without a tearOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English29
As Christ approached JerusalemHeginbotham (Author)2
Awake, awake, my sluggish soulHeginbotham (Author)27
Blest Jesus, when my soaring thoughtsOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English54
Come Holy Spirit, heavenly guestOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English5
Come, humble souls, ye mourners, comeOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English26
Come, saints, and shout the Savior's praiseOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)4
Come shout aloud the Father's graceOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English41
Come, ye that love the Savior's nameOttiwell Heginbotham, 1744-1768 (Author)English1
Fair shines the morning starHeginbotham (Author)English1
Father of mercies, God of love, My Father and my GodOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English64
Forsake, each soul, the tents of sinOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
Forsake, my soul, the tents of sinOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)10
God of our lives, Thy various praiseOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English40
God, the eternal, mighty GodOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
Great God, let all our tuneful powersHeginbotham (Author)English63
Hark, the loud trumpet of our GodOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
Hark, 'tis your heavenly father's callOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)4
I ask not wealth, nor pomp, nor powerOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)16
In all thy mercies may my soulOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
Lord, when this holy morningOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
My Father, God, and may these lipsOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English5
My soul shall praise Thee, O my GodHeginbotham (Author)English50
My willing soul, eternal KingOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
No, I will cleave to earth no moreOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
Now let my soul, eternal KingOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English81
Now let our souls with joy recordOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
See, mighty God, before thy throneOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
Spirit of peace, immortal doveOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)7
Stay, stay, my laboring powers, awakeOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
Still do the wheels of time revolveOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)6
Sweet peace of conscience, heavenly guestHeginbotham (Author)English65
Teach us, in time of deep distress, to own thy handOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English1
Thanks to my God for every giftOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)7
The least, the feeblest of his sheepHeginbotham (Author)1
Thou boundless source of every goodO. Heginbothom (Author)English16
To Thee, my heart, eternal KingOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English13
To Thee, my Shepherd and my LordOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English77
Unhappy city, hadst thou knownHeginbotham (Author)English10
Up to thy seat, eternal GodOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)2
When sickness shakes the languid frameOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)38
When storms hang o'er the Christian's headOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)9
Yes, I will bless Thee, O my GodOttiwell Heginbotham (Author)English60
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