Gottfried B. Funk

Short Name: Gottfried B. Funk
Full Name: Funk, Gottfried Benedict, 1784-1814
Birth Year: 1784
Death Year: 1814

Funk, Gottfried Benedict, was born Nov. 29,1734, at Hartenstein, Saxony, and educated at the Gymnasium of Freiberg and the University of Leipzig. In 1756 he became tutor in the family of J. A. Cramer, then court preacher at Copenhagen. He returned to Germany in 1769 as subrector of the Cathedral School at Magdeburg, becoming rector in 1772; and being also appointed a member of the consistory in 1785 and Doctor of Theology in 1804. He died at Magdeburg, June 18,1814.
One of the best teachers of his time, he was also one of its most successful hymn-writers. His hymns, 25 in all, appeared (1) in the Gesang-Buch für S. Petri, Kopenhagen, 1760. (2) Zollikofer's Neues Gesang-Buch Leipzig, 1766. (3) the Magdeburg Gesang-Buch, 1805. (4) in his Schriften, Berlin, 1820-21.

Four of his hymns have passed into English, viz.:—
i. Der unsre Menschheit an sich nahra . Second Advent. 1760, No. 973, in 7 stanzas, 1820, v. i. p. 60. Translated by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 37).
ii. Lob sey Gott, der den Frühling schafft . Spring. 1760, No. 794, in 9 stanzas, 1820, v. i. p. 34 (Gelobt sey). Translated by Miss Fry, 1859, p. 109.
iii. Lob sey Gott, der den Morgen . Mornin . 1766, No. 70, in 7 stanzas, 1820, v. i. p. 25. Translated by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 58; and by N. L. Frothingham, 1870.
iv. Wie ist mein Herz so fern von dir. Penitence. 1805, No. 266, in 5 stanzas, 1820, v. i. p. 9. Translated by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 123). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Texts by Gottfried B. Funk (9)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Aleluja! ZaśpiewajcieGottfried B. Funk (Author)Polish2
Die auf der Erde wallenFunck (Author)German7
Einst selig dort zu werdenG. B. Funk (Author)German2
Haleluya! TumwimbieGottfried B. Funk (Author)Swahili2
Halleluja! jauchzt ihr ChöreGottfried Benedikt Funk, 1734-1814 (Author)German15
Hallelujah, praise and honor, sing unto ChristG. B. Funk (Author)2
Preis und Anbetung sei unserm Gott!Gottfried Benedict Funk (Author)German2
Utukufu ni wa Mungu juuG. B. Funk (Author)Swahili2
Wie ist mein Herz so fern von dirGottfried B. Funk (Author)German2

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