Timothy Dudley-Smith

Short Name: Timothy Dudley-Smith
Full Name: Dudley-Smith, Timothy, 1926-
Birth Year: 1926
Death Year: 2024

Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) Educated at Pembroke College and Ridley Hall, Cambridge, Dudley-Smith has served the Church of England since his ordination in 1950. He has occupied a number of church posi­tions, including parish priest in the diocese of Southwark (1953-1962), archdeacon of Norwich (1973-1981), and bishop of Thetford, Norfolk, from 1981 until his retirement in 1992. He also edited a Christian magazine, Crusade, which was founded after Billy Graham's 1955 London crusade. Dudley-Smith began writing comic verse while a student at Cambridge; he did not begin to write hymns until the 1960s. Many of his several hundred hymn texts have been collected in Lift Every Heart: Collected Hymns 1961-1983 (1984), Songs of Deliverance: Thirty-six New Hymns (1988), and A Voice of Singing (1993). The writer of Christian Literature and the Church (1963), Someone Who Beckons (1978), and Praying with the English Hymn Writers (1989), Dudley-Smith has also served on various editorial committees, including the committee that published Psalm Praise (1973).

Bert Polman

Wikipedia Biography

Timothy Dudley-Smith OBE (born 26 December 1926) is a retired bishop of the Church of England and a noted English hymnwriter. He has written around 400 hymns, including "Tell Out, my Soul".

Texts by Timothy Dudley-Smith (250)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A city radiant as a brideTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English4
A glory fills the midnight skyTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
A King on high is reigningTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
A purple robe, a crown of thornTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English12
[A Righteous God in Heaven Reigns]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
A song was heard at ChristmasTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)3
Above the voices of the world around meTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English5
Affirm anew the threefold nameTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English4
All glory be to God on high, His peace on earth procliamTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
All my soul to God I raiseTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[All Our Days We Will Bless the Lord]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
All shall be well, For on our Easter skiesTimothy Dudley-Smith (1926-) (Author)English6
Almighty Lord Most High draw nearTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
An upper room with evening lamps ashineTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
[Angelic Hosts Above]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Approach with awe this holiest placeTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
As in that upper room you left your seatTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English4
As water to the thirstyTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English16
At Canas wedding, long agoTimothy Dudley-Smith, 1926- (Author)English4
Be present, Spirit of the LordTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)3
Be strong in the Lord in armor of lightTimothy Dudley-Smtih, b. 1926 (Author)English5
Behold a broken world, we prayTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English5
[Beloved In Christ Before Our Life Began]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Beyond all mortal praiseTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English6
Bless the Lord as day departsTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)English4
Bless the Lord, creation singsTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Adapter)2
Born by the Holy Spirit's breathTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
[Break Into Glad Exultant Song]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Chantez à Yahvé un hymneTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)French2
Child of the stable’s secret birthTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)5
Chill of the nightfullTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)5
Christ be my leader by night as by dayTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English15
Christ be the Lord of all our daysTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)English5
Christ be the Way in whom we walkTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Christ bids us break the breadTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)3
Christ high-ascended, now in glory seatedTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English10
Christ is come! Let earth adore himTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[Christ is Risen As He Said]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[Christ Is the Bread of Life Indeed]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Christ is the one who callsTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)3
Christ, our human likeness sharingTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English2
Christ our Redeemer knew tempation's hourTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Christ pours his grace upon his ownTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Christ the Eternal LordTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English4
Christ the way of life possess meTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)English5
Come and see where Jesus layTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Come, let us praise the Lord, With joy our God acclaimTimothy Dudley-Smith (Paraphraser)English11
Come, let us tune our souls to singTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Come now with awe, earth's ancient vigil keepingTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Come quickly, Lord, and hear the criesTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Come, watch with us this Christmas nightTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Consider him, our Savior ChristTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Eternal God, before whose face we standTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)2
Eternal God, we come with prayerTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Every heart its tribute paysTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English6
[Eye Has Not Seen, Nor Ear Has Heard]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Faith and truth and life bestowingTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Faithful Shepherd, feed meTimothy Dudley-Dmith (Author)English1
Faithful vigil endedTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English10
Father God, who gave us beingTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Father, now behold usTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)1
[Father of Lights, Who Brought to Brith]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Father on high to whom we prayTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)1
[Father who Formed the Family of Man]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Fathers and mothersTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)2
Fill your hearts with joy and gladnessTimothy Dudley-Smith, 1926- (Author)English10
[For God My Spirit Longs]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
"For God so loved the world" He sent his Son to saveTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
For peace with God aboveTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Freed in Christ from death and sinTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)2
Freely, for the love He bears usTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
From all the wind's wide quartersTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
From life's bright dawn to eventideTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English2
From the deep places, hear my cryTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)2
[From the Father's Throne On High]Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English3
From the night of ages wakingTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Fruitful trees, the Spirit's sowingTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English6
Give thanks for every giftTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Give thanks to God above And make his glories knownTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Give thanks to God on high, For saints of other daysTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English6
Glory to God in the highest, Rejoice in the praise of his worth!Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
God gives us light upon our wayTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
God in his wisdom, for our learningTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)3
[God Is King! The Lord is Reigning]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
God is my great desireTimothy Dudley-Smith (Paraphraser)English7
God of gods, we sound his praisesTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Adapter)English3
God sees our world as one day it will beTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[God Shall My Comfort Be]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
God whose love is everywhereTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)English3
Good news of God aboveTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
Had he not loved usTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)1
Happy are those, beyond all measure blessedTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Have we not known? Have we not heardTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[He Comes, the Way that All May Tread]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
He comes to us as one unknown, A breath unseen, unheardTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English11
He walks among the golden lampsTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English6
He who formed the highest heavenTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Heaven's throne ascendingTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worshipTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English9
Help me, O God, and hear my cryTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
Here is the center: star on distant starTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Here on the threshold of a new beginningTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English6
Here within this house of prayerTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)3
Holy Child, how still you lieTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)English5
[How Dark the Night of Cloud and Cares]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
How great our God's majestic nameTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
[How Happy Those Indeed]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[How Happy Those Who Walk in Truth]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
"How shall they hear," who have not heardTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English6
How shall we sing salvation's songTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)2
How vast is God's unfailing loveTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
I lift my eyes to the quiet hillsTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English8
In judgment, Lord, ariseTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
In my hour of grief or needTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
In our darkness light has shoneTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[In the Name of Christ Rejoicing]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[In the Same Night]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Jesus is the Lord of livingTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)1
Jesus, Prince and SaviorTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English7
Jesus, the saving Name!Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[Let Every Child of Earth That Sleeping Lies]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[Let the Earth Acclaim Him]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Light of the minds that know HimTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English10
Light of the world, true light divineTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)2
Light on the path, a lamp about our wayTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)2
Lighten our darkness now the day is endedTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)1
[Living Lord, Our Praise We Render]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Long before the world is wakingTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
Look, Lord, in mercy as we prayTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)1
Lord, as the day beginsTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English10
Lord, for the years your love has kept and guidedTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English15
Lord God almighty, Father of all merciesTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Lord, may our hearts within us burnTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Lord of all life and powerTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Lord of the church, we pray for our renewingTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English10
Lord, when the storms of life ariseTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Lord, who left the highest heavenTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English6
Love is the law that Jesus taughtTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English2
Make of our life a house of praiseTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)3
Maker of all, whose hand we traceTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
May the love of Christ enfold usTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Merciful and gracious beTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Mercy, blessing, favor, graceTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[My Days of Waiting Ended]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Name of all majestyTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)19
No longer now, as once we wereTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
No temple now, no gift of priceTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
No tramp of soldiers' marching feetTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English8
No weight of gold or silverTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)English6
Not for tongues of heaven's angelsTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English32
Not to us be glory givenTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English6
[Now Is Christ Risen] (Dudley-Smith)Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Now is Christ risen from the dead, Now are the powers of darkness fledTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
O changeless Christ, for ever newTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)English6
O Christ, our Life, our Truth, our WayTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
O Christ the King of gloryTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
O Christ the same, through all our story's pagesTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English10
O Christ, who faced in deserts bareTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)2
O come to me, the Master saidTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English5
[O Comfort Each Believing Heart]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
O God, accept your people's praiseTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[O God, From Age to Age the Same]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[O God of Everlasting Light]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
PrayersTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[O God Who Brought the Light to Birth]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
O God who shaped the starry skiesTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
O God, whose all-sustaining handTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
O Lord, remember meTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
O Lord, whose saving nameTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
O Prince of peace whose promised birthTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)1
[O Spirit of the Sovereign Lord]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
On God most high be blessings pouredTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Open our eyes, O Lord, we prayTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Our Father God in heaven On whom our world dependsTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)3
Our God and Father blessTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[Our God Eternal, Reigning]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Our Savior Christ once knelt in prayerTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Out of darkness let light shine!Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
Praise be to Christ in whom we seeTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English5
Praise God for His redeeming grace, The precious blood of ChristTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Praise the God of our salvation, All life long your voices raiseTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)2
[Praise the Lord And Bless His Name] (Dudley-Smith)Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)2
Praise the Lord of heaven, Praise Him in the height (Dudley-Smith)Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)English5
Rejoice in God! Let trumpets soundTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)3
Rejoice in God, my heartTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Remember, Lord, the world you madeTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
Safe in the shadow of the LordTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)English12
Saint Luke, belov'd physicianTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)2
Saints and angels sing his praiseTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Savior Christ, in praise we name himTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)1
See, to us a Child is bornTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)3
Set your troubled hearts at restTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Shall I not love you, Lord, my strong defenderTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Sing a new song to the Lord, He to whom wonders belongTimothy Dudley-Smith (1926- ) (Author)English36
So the day dawn for meTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English4
Spirit of God within meTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English10
Tell his praise in song and storyTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English10
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the LordTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)52
[Thanks Be to God for His Saints of Each Past Generation]Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)English3
The best of gifts is oursTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English2
The darkness turns to dawnTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
[The Everlasting Lord Is King]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[The Faithful Are Kept As the Mountains That Never Shall Move]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[The Glory of Our God and King]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[The God of Grace Is Ours]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
[The Heartfelt Praise of God Proclaim]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
[The Heavens Are Singing, Are Singing and Praising]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
The Hour has come, foretold since time beganTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
The humble hold your kingdom's keyTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
The King of glory comes to earthTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)1
The Lord be near us as we prayTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
The Lord in wisdom made the earthTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)1
The Lord is here! His promised wordTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
The LORD is king enthroned in mightTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
The Lord made man, the scriptures tellTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)English4
The love of Christ who died for meTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English5
The pilgrim Church of GodTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
[The Servants of the Living Lord]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
The stars declare his gloryTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English14
The will of God to mark my wayTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
This day above all daysTimothy Dudley-Smith (born 1926) (Author)2
Though pilgrim strangers here belowTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)2
Timeless love! we sing the storyTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English9
To God our great salvationTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English2
To God who gave the scripturesTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)English2
[To Heathen Dreams Of Human Pride]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
We believe in God the Father, God Almighty by whose planTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English8
We bring you, Lord, our prayer and praiseTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)3
We come as guests invitedTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English16
We come with songs of blessingTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)2
[We Sing the Lord Our Light]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
We turn to Christ aloneTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
We turn to Christ anewTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)2
What are the praises earth can render heaven?Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
What blessings God bestowsTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
What colors God has madeTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
When Christ was raised from deathTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
When God the Spirit cameTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English7
When He comes, when He comesTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
When Jesus lived among us He cameTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)1
When Jesus taught by GalileeTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
When John baptized by Jordan's riverTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)English17
When the Lord in glory comesTimothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 (Author)English8
When to our world the Savior cameTimothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) (Author)English6
When troubles come and hopes departTimothy Dudley-Smith, 1926- (Author)English4
Who is there on this Easter morningTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English4
[With All Who in this Hallowed Place]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
With undivided heart and ceaseless songsTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2
Within a crib my Savior layTimothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English3
[Within The Love of God I Hide]Timothy Dudley-Smith (Author)English2

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