Charles Force Deems

Charles Force Deems
Short Name: Charles Force Deems
Full Name: Deems, Charles F. (Charles Alexander Force), 1820-1893.
Birth Year: 1820
Death Year: 1893

Born: De­cem­ber 4, 1820, Bal­ti­more, Ma­ry­land.
Died: No­vem­ber 18, 1893, Sta­ten Is­land, New York.
Buried: Mo­ra­vi­an Cem­e­tery, New Dorp, New York.

Grandson of a Meth­od­ist min­is­ter, Deems be­gan preach­ing tem­per­ance at the ten­der age of 13. He stu­died at Dick­in­son Coll­ege, Car­lisle, Penn­syl­van­ia, in­tend­ing to be­come a law­yer. In­stead, af­ter grad­u­at­ing in 1839, be­came a Meth­od­ist min­is­ter in As­bu­ry, New Jer­sey. The next year, he be­gan work­ing for the Amer­i­can Bi­ble So­ci­e­ty of North Car­o­li­na, and lat­er be­came a pro­fess­or of lo­gic and rhe­tor­ic at the Un­i­ver­si­ty of North Car­o­li­na (1842-48). In 1849, he taught na­tur­al sci­enc­es at Ran­dolph-Ma­con Coll­ege, Ash­land, Virg­in­ia for a year, then be­gan pas­tor­ing a Meth­od­ist con­gre­ga­tion in New Berne, North Car­o­li­na. Short­ly there­af­ter, he be­came pre­si­dent of the Wo­men’s Coll­ege in Greens­bo­ro, North Car­o­li­na, serv­ing un­til 1854, when he re­turned to New Berne. Af­ter the Amer­i­can ci­vil war, he moved to New York Ci­ty, where he ed­it­ed The Watch­man news­pa­per and found­ed the Church of Stran­gers, helped in part by a large grant from Cor­ne­li­us Van­der­bilt. He al­so in­flu­enced Van­der­bilt’s de­ci­sion to con­trib­ute a mill­ion doll­ars to the Cen­tral Un­i­ver­si­ty of the Meth­od­ist Epis­co­pal Church, South (now Van­der­bilt Un­i­ver­si­ty). Deems’ works in­clude:

Hymns for All Chris­tians, 1869 (com­piled with Phoe­be Ca­ry)
Scotch Ver­dict in re Evo­lu­tion, 1885

Texts by Charles Force Deems (10)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
At the thought of Love EternalCharles Force Deems (Author)English2
Come, 'tis the hour to bowCharles F. Deems (Author)2
Gloomy, still gloomy, the rain drops are fallingCharles F. Deems (Author)English3
Good morning, God, This is Thy dayCharles F. Deems (Author)English2
I shall not want, in deserts wildCharles F. Deems (Author)English11
O come to Jesus now, Jesus is hereC. F. D. (Alterer)English1
O to be ready, ready, Yielding my Savior my allCharles F. Deems (Author)English2
The world is wide in time and tideDr. Deems (Author)English2
To thee most holy lightCharles F. Deems (Author)2
What shall win my soul from sinCharles F. Deems (Author)English3
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