Nina Clarke

Short Name: Nina Clarke
Full Name: Clarke, Nina does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Nina Clarke (20)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
At your heart the Savior's knocking, knocking, knockingNina Clarke (Author)English2
Changed to His likenessNina Clarke (Author)English2
Come, come to the Savior, make no delayNina Clarke (Author)English4
Do not weary, toiling ChristiansNina Clarke (Author)English2
Down through the ages pastNina Clarke (Author)2
Every morning, noon and nightNina Clarke (Author)2
From the ripened fieldsNina Clarke (Author)2
I always meet my SaviorNina Clarke (Author)English3
I have peace and gladnessNina Clarke (Author)1
I know my sins are washed away, since the comforter cameNina Clarke (Author)English4
I'll wear a crown of gloryNina Clark (Author)English20
In the realms above Write it down in loveNina Clarke (Author)English2
In the service of the KingNina Clarke (Author)1
Lo an army all victoriousNina Clarke (Author)2
My song shall ever be to himNina Clarke (Author)3
See the Master of the vineyardNina Clarke (Author)2
There's a joyful chorus soundingNina Clarke (Author)English2
When wandering in darknessNina Clarke (Author)2
Will you be loyal to the cause of ChristNina Clarke (Author)2
You are drifting away from your LordNina Clarke (Author)English2
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