Thomas of Celano

Short Name: Thomas of Celano
Full Name: Thomas, of Celano, 1200-1265
Birth Year (est.): 1200
Death Year (est.): 1265

Thomas of Celano was born at Celano in the Abruzzi, and joined St. Francis of Assisi c. 1214. He was commissioned by Gregory IX to write the life of St. Francis: the First Legend, 1229; the Second Legend, 1247; and the Tract on the Miracle of St. Francis a few years later. His Legend of St. Clare was composed in 1255. He was probably among the first band of friars to visit Germany, 1221.
--The Hymnal 1940 Companion

Thomas of Celano. It is somewhat remarkable that neither the date of the birth nor of the death of this writer, whose name is so intimately associated with the Dies Irae, is on record. He was a native of Celano, a small town near the lake Fucino, in the farther Abruzzo, and hence his name of Thomas of Celano. Several of the inhabitants of this town were driven therefrom by Frederick II. in 1223, and Thomas with the rest. He found his way to Assisi, and became a monk there during the lifetime of St. Francis. The Franciscan Order was established in 1208, Thomas was therefore one of the early students at Assisi. He was subsequently "custos of the convents of Worms, Mentz, and Cologne, and afterwards sole custos of the Rhine districts." The last named appointment he held till 1230, when he returned to Assisi. As intimated above the date of his death is not on record. It is sometimes given as 1255. Thomas also wrote a Life of St. Francis.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix I (1907)

See also in:

Texts by Thomas of Celano (26)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
An dem Tag der ZornesflammenThomas of Celano (Author)German8
Day of anger, day of wonderThomas, of Celano (Author)English1
Day of anger that dread dayCelano (Author)English2
Day of doom, the last and greatestThomas de Celano (Author)English1
Day of vengeance without morrowThomas of Celano (Author)1
Day of wrath and doom impendingThomas of Celano (Author)English3
Day of wrath, O dreadful day!Thomas of Celano (Author)English16
Day of wrath of days that DayThomas of Celano (Author)English1
Day of wrath, that day dismayingThomas of Celano, 13th century (Author)English2
Day of wrath! that day of burning, Earth and heaven to ashes turningThomas of Celano, -1253 (Author)English3
Day of wrath, that day of burning, Earth shall end, to ashes turningThomas of Celano (Author)English1
Day of wrath, that day of burning, Seer and Sibyl speak concerningThomas of Celano (Author)English2
Day of wrath, that day whose knellingThomas of Celano (Author)English2
Day of wrath that ends the agesThomas of Celano, d. 1255 (Alterer)2
Day of wrath, that [O] day of mourning [burning]Thomas of Celano (Author)English2
Day of wrath! O day of mourning! See fulfilled the prophet's warningThomas of Celano (Author)English59
Det snart forvist paa Tiden erThomas, of Celano (Author)Norwegian3
Dies irae, dies illaThomas of Celano (Author)Latin6
Dommedag skal Tiden endeThomas, of Celano (Author)Norwegian1
En dag skall uppgå för vår synThomas, of Celano (Author)Swedish2
Es naht der Tag, an dem die WeltThomas v. Celano (Author)German3
Jenen Tag, den Tag der WehenThomas v. Celano (Author)German2
On that great, that awful dayT. Von Celano (Author)2
That day of wrath, that dreadful dayThomas of Celano (Author)English33
The Lord will come: the earth shall quakeThomas of Celano (Author)English1
W sądu dzień, dzień trwóg i chwałyThomas of Celano (Author (attributed to))Polish2

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